The Ultimate Guide to Flying With a Bike

The Ultimate Guide to Flying With a Bike

The Ultimate Guide to Flying with a Bike: Tips, Tricks, and Essential Information Nothing beats the freedom and excitement of exploring new places on a bike. From the thrill of turning a corner into the...

The Ultimate Guide to Bicycle Airline Fees

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Bike Luggage Fees: A Guide to Airline Policies Traveling with a bicycle can be a thrilling experience, whether you're touring the countryside, exploring new trails, or competing in a race....
A Scientific Approach to Designing a Duffel For Outdoor Sports Athletes

A Scientific Approach to Designing a Duffel For Outdoor Sports Athletes

I. ABSTRACT As a do’er of many different types of bikes and outdoor sports, one persistent challenge I’ve faced is how to keep the stink from the day's dirty kit off of anything clean that's still...
Losing Toenails in The Sierras

Losing Toenails in The Sierras

Last month Colin and I came up with this ridiculous idea for a hike. Leaving from Horseshoe Meadows, near Lone Pine California, we decided to attempt this 70-mile 4-day backpacking trip as an overnight run/hike....
Group rides and Graveling

Group rides and Graveling

Taquerias de Tijuana

Taquerias de Tijuana

Now living in San Diego we’ve got good access to traditional Mexican food. But just 20 miles away is Tijuana, Baja California, and it blows away anything you can find in the US. We devised...
Gravelstoke x Orucase Urban Adventure Ride Recap

Gravelstoke x Orucase Urban Adventure Ride Recap

Gravelstoke x Orucase Urban Adventure Ride. We teamed up with our friends at Gravelstoke to host a little urban adventure ride connecting all of our favorite canyon trails (and some new ones). At the end...
Gravelstoke x Orucase Adventure Ride

Gravelstoke x Orucase Adventure Ride

Summer is right around the corner, which doesn't seem possible, but that means most of us are gearing up for bigger rides, more adventures, and even more time together. If you're in southern California join...
The Incalculable Joy of the Stupid Ride

The Incalculable Joy of the Stupid Ride

One morning not long ago, I woke up in Santa Barbara to bright sun and blue skies. Somewhere, birds sang their mad songs. I drank a coffee on the couch. Suddenly, I realized. Today was...