Why You Should Choose Orucase The Next Time You Travel With Your Bike.

Why You Should Choose Orucase The Next Time You Travel With Your Bike.

We all know what it's like to travel with a bike. Lug a 25 pound (empty of course… 40? 50 fully loaded?) plastic case to the airport. Now it's time to check in, how much are they going to charge you? It’s a continual guessing game as to the mood the airline worker is in on that given day. $50, $150, $200 dollars, each way. Will it fit in the rental car? The hotel room? Probably not, so now you’re regretting bringing your bike, or you didn’t because you’ve learnt this the hard way.

In any pursuit, whether it be cycling, backpacking, climbing… The mark of a skilled person is bringing exactly what you need and nothing more. The excess only slows you down or prohibits you from completing your goal. Traveling light is traveling right. The Airport Ninja by Orucase was designed by professional cyclists with ease of travel in mind.  With 100+ days of a travel a year we’ve got it down to a science. You constantly refine what is needed and what isn’t. Anything else is dead weight.

The Airport Ninja is almost a third the volume of a traditional hardcase, and less than half the weight. Yet requires only one additional step over how you’ve been packing your bike, the removal of the fork (And let’s remember the stems already removed! All you’ve got to do is slide the fork out). Throw your helmet and dirty kits inside the frame triangles and you might even be able to get rid of that extra checked bag. Now throw The Airport Ninja on your back with our backpack straps and you won’t be waiting an eternity for elevators at every step of your journey.

This optimization of how we travel can help you get the most out of your journeys around the world. We all love riding, and traveling, and have lost count of the amount of times we’ve left the bikes at home.  Not anymore, what once might have been a hassle, bordering on nightmare, can now be accomplished with ease and without the exorbitant excess baggage fees.

Field tested on multiple racing trips that were followed up by hopping in the rental car to go hike a 14er, camp, or fly fish in the backcountry. The Airport Ninja isn’t just for racers. It’s for anyone who travels with a bike. Racers, riders, business trippers, adventurers, and expeditioners. We’ve got you covered.

Further Reading

CyclingTips Orucase Airport Ninja Bike Case Review

PezCyclingNews Review

Bicycling Magazine 5 Bike Cases That Evade The Airline Bike Fee

 Interbike Orucase Airport Ninja



The Orucase Airport Ninja is the only airline travel case for bicycles designed by cyclists to minimize and eliminate excess baggage fees. Pack smart, pack stealth with the smallest cycling travel case on the market and become an Airport Ninja today.

Orucase Airport Ninja